Queen & Slim (Melina Matsoukas) (DVD)

7,56 €
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American drama written by Lena Waithe and directed by Melina Matsoukas. A black man Daniel Kaluuya and woman Jodie Turner-Smith struggle to hit it off on their first date and as he drives her home, well aware that there won't be a second date, they are pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic offence. Following the officer's aggressive handling of the situation the man shoots and kills the

EAN: 5053083209377

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American drama written by Lena Waithe and directed by Melina Matsoukas. A black man Daniel Kaluuya and woman Jodie Turner-Smith struggle to hit it off on their first date and as he drives her home, well aware that there won't be a second date, they are pulled over by a police officer for a minor traffic offence. Following the officer's aggressive handling of the situation the man shoots and kills the officer in self-defence. The pair flee the scene and when footage of the attack goes viral they go on the run from the authorities and rely on the support of others to keep them from being caught. As tensions rise and the danger of capture weighs heavily upon them the pair find themselves becoming more intimate and attached to one another.


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1979 / Horor, Sci-Fi / USA, Velká Británie VE VESMÍRU NIKDO VÁŠ KŘIK NEUSLYŠÍ. TEN, KTERÝM TO VŠECHNO ZAČALO Vetřelec se stal prvním snímkem jedné z nejoblíbenějších ság v historii science fiction a představuje Sigourney Weaver v roli Ripleyové, ženy se železnou vůlí, odhodlané svést souboj s nejnebezpečnějšími tvory galaxie. Hrůza začíná ve chvíli, kdy posádka vesmírné lodi Nostromo zaznamená signál

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American horror directed by Eduardo Rodriguez and starring Katia Winter. Following the death of her ex-husband, Emma Winter takes full custody of her estranged daughter Isla Ashley E. Jones. However, the arrival of her young daughter seems to coincide with supernatural goings-on in her home. As Emma\'s fragile mental state teeters on the brink it soon becomes clear that all is not what it seems.

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